Monday, October 10, 2011

Vlog Week 6: Midterm Rough Draft

For this weeks vlog, I would like you to present a rough draft of your how-to presentation. Students will comment on each other vlog providing feedback on vocabulary execution, grammar and structure, and pace/flow. You may also wish to ask each other questions.

Midterm Requirements: How To Presentation

Students are required to present their “How To” presentation to the class weeks 8 and 9. Friday during week 7 will be a required work day and I will check over your presentation before you give it. This presentation needs to be 5-7 minutes in length and conducted completely in ASL. When students are presenting, students will be interrupting and asking questions in ASL. Three students will be selected to ask questions during your presentation. Make sure you know your topic well so you will be able to stop and answer their questions.


Header (each page)
Full Name
Intermediate ASL I
How to Presentation: Midterm
Monica Marciniak


Students need to create a professional outline of your presentation. This outline needs to be typed and handed in for grading. I have provided you with a handout that discusses how presentations are structured and a sample outline. Follow this sample when developing your presentation use your textbook for help. You are required to have two outlines. One is in English and the other is in ASL.

ASL Vocabulary, Classifiers, and Grammar List

Students need to expressively demonstrate and provide a typed list of their vocabulary (wealth of knowledge), classifiers, grammar (noun/verb pairs, topic comment, pronoun placement, descriptive adjectives, if clauses, conjunctions, rhetorical, wh?, yes & no?, directional verbs, facial adverbs, modals, and use of locative space used during their presentations. Students must write their presentation in coded ASL. Use your previous text to help you develop how to write these sentences.

_____t_________ __rq_

ENGLISH Examle: I want to show you how to make cookies. I want to show you because making cookies is fun plus you get to eat them!

Visual Aids

Students will need to provide class with at least one visual aid. Keep in mind visual aids are meant to enhance presentations, not take away from them. Do not use your aids to eliminate signs points will be deleted for this. Use them as you would during an oral presentations. Power points, poster boards, props, pictures and handouts, are all good visual aids. However, I strongly suggest using a power point. Whenever you provide a written word you must also sign it. Explain how these visual aids are helpful and benefit the audience.

This will be due entirely the day and time of your presentation.


  1. Here is my how-to!

    Connie Arnold :)

  2. Here is our link How-to rough draft:

    Keep in mind this is a rough draft,
    Brittany and Kara :)

  3. Here is a rough draft of my how to presentation.
    I still need to add some of the requirements, such as a rhetorical questions, modal, if clause, etc.
    But this was a good opportunity to begin my project and lay some ground work
    Let me know what you think!



    Here is my rough draft. Like most others I do not have all of the requirements in here, this is just to get my idea out on the table to see what you all think.

    I am teaching 5 Ways How To Kill a Spider.
    Thought itd switch it up a bit from food.

    ~April Hieb

  5. This is Jordann posting from Megan's account :) My youtube account is messed up.

    Here is my rough draft of how to make a spicy chicken pasta!! Yum :)

    This is a very very rough draft, but you get the basis of what I'm trying to do!

  6. Here is my rough draft of my how to presentations. I know i still have some things to work on but i hope you enjoy :)


    Here is my video, I still need to add more information for each step and I didnt actually do the whole presentation.. just pretended.

  8. Here Is my How to!



    This is the rough draft for my how-to. It is very basic, and I still need to add some of the requirements!

    -Sarah Swanson

  10. Hey here is my rough draft of how to make Scotcheroos!!!
    Hope you enjoy

    -Tiff Hudack


    Here are the basic steps for my how-to. I don't have the whole thing worked out yet!


  12. Like everyone else mine is also a very rough rough draft

    Sam Rouse

  13. Here's my rough draft and how to dress for winter. Enjoy! :)

    - Anna Enstad

  14. Connie -
    I liked your how-to presentation. It really gave me an opportunity to see what & how your presentation is going to be like. Your grammar was well thought out. One thing I might add is when you are talking about an ingredient such as powder sugar, do the sign & then spell it out so others know what you are signing. You seem very interested in your topic & you know exactly how to make it. This was a very good presentation, & your flow was very well & there was not much confusing & pausing as to where you were not sure what to do next. I liked that you had all of your tools neatly placed in front of you. I can only imagine that your final is going to be perfect!


    My How To...practice video

  16. April-
    I thought your video on how to kill a spider was very good. More facial expressions will help the class get into it more. What could help your presentation out a little more would be to simplify the ending a little bit so more of the class can understand what you are trying to tell us. Another thing that will make it go smoother would be to show picture or even have a model to demonstration what you are doing through the presentation.I thought it was very good for a rough draft and well done. Good luck!!! :)

  17. Caitlin,

    I really liked your video on how to make a paper penguin. I thought you did a very good job at explaining and then demonstrating with the paper. I think you did a good job at using the signs and you didn't let the paper become the presentation. Overall, I thought this was a very good demonstration! I'm not sure if you were planning on giving the entire class a square piece of paper so we can create a penguin with you- but I think that would be fun! (: Good luck with your presentation, and I look forward to seeing it in front of the class!!


  18. Jill--

    I liked your how to make a PB&J sandwich video. I thought your signing was clear and I understood all of it; even without seeing the actual bread and stuff. The only thing I didn't get at first were the signs for crunchy/creamy peanut butter--but that's only because we haven't learned those signs in class! I think it's good that you incorporated new signs that we can all learn. Good job!


  19. Sam-
    I really like how you told about why you chose to do puppychow! Very good with everything! The lighting was creating a ghost with your hands so it was a little hard to see, but you don't need to worry about that! Grammar was good. One thing, I am just wondering if there is a way where you don't have to say the ingredients a bunch of times. Other than that, great job!!


  20. Megan,

    I really enjoyed your video on how to carve a pumkin. You had really good facial expression and your signing was very clear. The only parts I did not understand were the sign that we haven't learned. You did a good job incorporating the rhetorical questions and the if clause. It was a very good presentation. Great job!


  21. John-

    I liked your how to presentation. At the very beginning you explained why you were doing your how to, I thought this added a very personal touch making in unique! The way you used classifiers were very helpful, when you scooped the cookies onto the wax paper, and again when you shaped them into "wreaths." I was trying to figure out what the sign for "scoop" was for my presentation, so I was glad to see someone else use it. Your facial expressions made your signing clear and easy to follow as well. When you were spraying the wax paper, it was very easy to tell what you were doing because of your facial expression, if you were just to sign that without any emotion, I would have been lost. Good job! My only advice that that perhaps you put what type of cookie you're making a little earlier. Maybe switch around your rhetorical question and wh? This may make the beginning of your presentation easier to follow.

    Good job! I cant wait to actually see the cookies!

  22. Sam,

    Some of your grammar is in English order not ASL but I liked your rough draft of your how-to presentation.


  23. April,
    I thought your idea on how to tie-dye a t-shirt was good. I would work on your signs and make sure they are correct. You should actually tie-dye a shirt so we can see what it looks like too. Don't forget to add in the requirements for the how to such as a rhetorical question, if-then statement, etc. Overall your rough draft looks good! :)
