Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bells in ASL classrooms??? HUH?

As all of you know, students have a very difficult time not speaking during ASL class. In reality, this is considered very rude and disrespectful to Deaf people. I have struggled with this since I began teaching in 1998. I have always worked hard to make my students feel comfortable and at ease in my classroom and outside of it. Part of this is out of habit. Daily, I need to accommodate the hearing world and make them more comfortable with me. I want students to feel free to ask me anything and everything and by forcing them to sign only, students do not come to me. However, this is an ASL classroom and I am Deaf! Students should be able to give an hour of themselves three days a week when Deaf people are often forced to fit into the hearing world 24/7. Furthermore, they should be signing so that when they need to communicate with other Deaf people they are ready to do so. This vlog that I am going to have you watch and comment on is one idea a Deaf instructor uses in his classroom. I want you to comment on your thoughts and other ideas you have that may help students get the message. I also would like to hear your comments on how I can work to establish this all sign rule and still have students coming to me when they need to talk to me about personal things or class concerns.

Here is the address of Carl Schroeder' blog called Kalalau's Corner.