Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekly Agenda #4 & Feedback


Nuamin is trying so hard to get a drink of water. It reminds me how hard all of you are all working and how you must feel right now. Feel like you are never quite going to get it? You will, honest. I do know how hard this is and I want you to know I appreciate how hard you are working. Thank you!

I know what we are doing is not easy and takes a lot of time and effort but your efforts will pay off in the end. Conversing naturally, as we are trying to do through these activities will help your fluency. I can already see improvements! Thank you for giving me the freedom to make this class as conversational as possible. I know it can sometime seem a bit too informal, but conversing is the key and to learn to converse, you just have to do it. I know that there is not a lot I can give you to help you translate your assignments, except guidance. Please just remember to look for the concepts of your words and sentences and ask me when necessary. I would be more than happy to help you. Please never hesitate to ask me. You get assignment points in the beginning but you are not being penalized for right or wrong just yet. I will let you know when that is the case.

Feedback to each of you....Can you guess who you are? I believe that positive feedback should be shared publicly. That way we can all see what how each other is doing and learn from it.

Make-up artist..very clear and crisp signing and good pronoun placement. Your style is easy to watch and has a nice smooth quality to it.

Interpreter in Training...I know you were having problems with the vocabulary last week but this week your signs were executed very well. Confidence in self will do wonders.

Future Social Studies Teacher of the Year...Good body shifting when narrating your letter, vocab. is growing. Nice casual style to signing.

Cat Eyes..your signs are becoming clearer each day. You did a good job translating your first Dear Abby letter.

Pretty in Pink..wealth of vocabulary and clear signs. The complexity of your letter was challenging but you did a good job. It is apparent you are signing outside of class!

Banker Boy...Your ability to remember signs is helping you create good translations. Willingness to learn and enjoying the class makes your signing good.

Fisherwoman...Your translations were very good, sign vocab is building nicely. Asking questions is a great way to learn...keep it up and keep them coming.

Newcomer...Catching on very fast! Good signing and nice translations, vocab is increasing daily. Your willingness to accept another Instructor and embracing differences will only enhance your signing!

I Like Them Tall...very good attentiveness, signs are produced very clear and vocab continues to grow, translations good. Your dedication in class is really paying have come a long way already!

I had this schedule in class on the board but I wanted to put it here for you as well.

Week Schedule #4

*For Wednesday's assignment you need to bring a newpaper article to class. Make sure it is brief and not too complex. THIS DOES NOT NEED TO BE TRANSLATED. This assignment is not to be translated as our letters where. Instead, we will read them and inform each other what our article is about by paraphrasing.
*Respond to the Blog every Tuesday at 12:00am and Thursday at 12:00am
*Will learn news related vocabulary on Wednesday.
*Friday is a workday. Work on your music video. The final draft is Due the following Friday (Oct. 8th) NOT Monday Oct. 4th.
*Inform the class about your article on Monday Oct. 4)

Check this out on aslpro. It shows how some English phrases are translated into ASL.

Blog #4: For Years, Deaf Boys Tried to Tell of Priest’s Abuse

This is a horrible reality of how deaf children are often taken advantage of. Please read and watch the information that I have included. I would like you to do some research on this problem in the Deaf Community and post your findings and comments here. What can be done?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dear Abby Assignment

Cherie is so thrilled you are continuing to learn sign she asked me to include this picture!

Hello All,

Be sure to bring the Dear Abby Letter to class that we worked on today to sign on Friday.

You also need to bring a NEW Dear Abby letter that is ASL translated and ready to be signed to the class for Friday. Please use your ASL book from last year to help you write in ASL. Use the format that the book uses. There is an ASL book in the Language Center or on my desk.

For correct grammar order remember:

* Look for tenses
* Look for topics
* Look for object subject verbs
* Look for where you can place rhetorical questions (eyebrows raised with WH sign) in the place of, because
* Decide if ASL conjunctions are necessary
* Consider what the concepts are
* Decide if you should incorporate the use of very
* Pronouns placed properly? How will you discuss each person? Where will you place them?
* Would a classifier be a better choice then several unnecessary English words?

Be sure to look over your Dear Abby vocabulary list again and be sure you know all of the vocabulary. If you have trouble remembering, I would go to aslpro for assistance.

We will have a full class discussion on your letters and offer advise in the correct grammatical order on Friday. Remember advice signs first!

Please ask for help here. Feel free to ask your fellow classmates about questions you have. Some questions you may have would include: What sign should I use here? How can I set this up and stay the narrater, How do I structure the sentence?

I am looking forward to it!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog #2: Have a Ball!

Ben Bahn is an incredible storyteller. He produces stories that are incredibly entertaining as well as rich in ASL structure and grammar. In class I have been stressing the importance of placement. Placement and how we use space in ASL is crucial for the receivers to understand who or what you are discussing. I have selected a clip that uses several classifiers and placement. I also want you to notice eye gaze, body language, body shift, facial expressions, and vocabulary. All of these things together will help you become more fluent. Additionally, all of these things will help you with our Dear Abby unit and in creating your music video.

Please answer the following questions.

1. What did you notice about how the space was used in the story? How did he use space?
2. How did Ben shift from character to character?
3. What facial expressions were used and what did they mean?
4. What vocabulary was used?
5. What did this teach you?

Assignment Reminder!


Post your comments by 12:00am tonight on "Have a Ball".

Be sure to bring a Dear Abby article to class to translate and sign for Wednesday.

Continue to work on your ASL music video

Monday, September 13, 2010

Blog #1: Meet RosaLee

Hello and Welcome! Please be sure to download a picture of you so that we may see who is commenting. Thanks!

I cannot wait to begin our vlog/blog journey and learn together! Each week we will come together through vlogging/blogging to increase our exposure to several different signers. Each Deaf person is unique and has a distinct way of signing. It is crucial that you expose yourself to this. This will increase your signing "bank" and allow you to understand a very diverse population of people.

Lets begin!

Does someone just plain inspire you! RosaLee inspires me and I cannot wait for you to watch her. You are in for a real treat! She is amazing and her story telling and music interpretation leaves you wanting more.

RosaLee is an incredible performer in the Deaf Community. She travels all over the United States and performs her one woman show (this is a dream of mine! Can you imagine?). She is Deaf and was born into a Deaf family. She is amazing to watch and captivates her audience with her incredible energy and unique insight into the Deaf world. I have selected her for this weeks vlog/blog for you to enjoy and share your feeling about her and comment on the message she is working hard to portray.

Please watch her video that explains what she is all about.

After you watch her introduction video, please watch her music videos. RosaLee puts a unique spin on her translations. See if you can get the message and comment on each video. What is she is expressing? How is her translation different from the words, but still on target with the message of the song. Be patient and watch these videos several times. Feel free to ask each other for help as well.

Happy Watching!
