Monday, November 15, 2010

Group Meeting Topic #2

Group Meeting Topic #2: Our Futures

Interview all your group members about their futures. Create 10 questions that you will ask them. This needs to be turned these in to me. Your questions need to be written in ASL. Conduct an interview asking all group members your questions in ASL. After you have completed this, select one group member to discuss in class next week Monday. Summarize the interview (write it in ASL) and share it with us on Monday.

Remember! There should be no talking during your meeting at all.

Each topic will be given on Monday and signed on the following Monday. Be prepared and ready to go at the start of our class meeting.

I will collect: Questions and Summary

Have fun!



  1. ok, so this is due on the monday we come back from thanksgiving, right?

  2. I will make this one due on Wednesday to give you more time.
