Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday November 29th: Group Meeting #4: Create a story

Story TIme!

Each group member is to bring 20 signs to your next meeting. These signs are to be taken from the vocabulary that we have learned over the past semester. Write them down on flash cards and review you signs with your group. After all students have completed this, put all the cards in a pile in front of you. You must then each take turns drawing and together work to create a story based on what is drawn!

Be sure to bring your flash cards to class next Monday. We will do something similar to this in class with all of the cards the students created.

The Goals for this assignment:
*Review vocabulary and test your memory
*Be able to think and converse in sign naturally
*Help each other produce correct signs and use correct ASL grammar

Have fun!



  1. "Forever Young"

    One day a women saw an advertisement on a billboard. That advertisement read "Forever Young." To become forever young you must first find a knight. So the women decided to travel to find her knight. She hoped that the knight would become her husband. If they married happen the women hoped that they wouldn't use a condom because she wanted kids. The knight wanted to use a condom so she decided to murder him. Later she found a new man. This new man found it important for her to tell a cop that she had murdered a knight. She found an ugly cop to tell because she wanted to manipulate him so she could get off. The new man gave her a calendar and she marked the date that she murdered the knight. The women then decides to stay with the new man and start a family with him. The cop finds the women but the women runs away to Ethiopia with her family. They moved into a castle. The women found a jail in the castle and locked the new man in it. They had no money so the women became a hooker for income. The women was the best hooker in Ethiopia and won many honors and awards for it. A client wanted to help rehabilitate her. While the new man was sitting in jail he matured. So one day the women walked down to him and he told her that he was fine with the murder so she let him free. Back home the ugly cop had died. So the women and her family lived forever safe.

    -THE END

    ** This is what we can remember after signing our story. Some variations may have occurred.


    pizzz out!

  2. love love love our story! We should think about getting it published :D

  3. sounds like a great idea. Then we could do it for class. Instead of Hansel and Gretal.

  4. I was thinking for an assignment we could go as a class to Sammy's or we could tape a thank you to Kieth Wann and give it to him.
