Monday, November 8, 2010

Feedback and Group Meeting Information

BE ADVISED: I feel like Liam in this picture. I tend to take you all under my wing and try to protect you too much. I give too much at times and it does not help you, it only creates false ideas of what my class is and what learning this language really entitles. I need to help you by challenging you to leave the nest, and letting you fall a bit but then you will soar. Be prepared. I am nudging you all out of my protective arms and nest very soon. But, you are ready. I would not push you out, if I did not think so.

Hello Everyone,

Be sure to respond to our blog post for this week as well.

We are now ready to move on with our agenda now that we have completed our "How-To Midterms". I am glad that they are behind us and we can move on. They took too long and I am happy to start our lessons again.

I did not have a written exam as scheduled on the syllabus because I wanted to allow you to focus on the How-To Midterm. I have decided to do that next week Monday, Nov 15th. I will cover all of the vocabulary and concepts that we have covered with our weekly lessons (Dear Abby, Conflicts, To Inform, Classifiers). Please be sure to review our lists ASAP. You may also study at my home after we have completed our dinner on Sunday night.

I would like to say that I would like to see you push yourselves more and give more to your assignments and exams. This does not mean that I do not think that you are not doing a good job, but I will say I do think many of you can do better. I would like for the class to stay relaxed and comfortable but I need all of us to step it up a notch. This means, I will expect more from you and you can in return expect more from me. If I give you class time, use it and use it wisely. I have agenda I push back when I give you those times. Take the time in class to ask me questions and have me look over your work. I would be happy to do so and I want to HELP you do the best you can. Please be ready for each class meeting. This means that I would like you to enter our classroom in our targeted language and stay in it the entire hour. If we have assignments, please have them out and ready to discuss or hand in.

Your weekly meetings outside of class have begun. Start ASAP. I have listed the directions here.

Group Meeting Topic #1: Where in the World Am I?

Think of a place that you would like to take your group members. Write one paragraph and translate it into ASL. Be sure it is as visual as possible and that you do not omit any small details. Bring this to your meeting but do not show anyone. Sign this to your group. When you have completed, everyone is to guess where they think you are. This is all to happen in ASL. There should be no talking during your meeting at all. Each student is to take their turn. When you have completed, select one to sign to the class on Monday.

Each topic will be given on Monday and signed on the following Monday. Be prepared and ready to go at the start of our class meeting.

Assigned Groups:

The Pinkie Plus Two: Emily, Amanda, Josie

The Drag Queen and Her Ladies: Jared, Morgan, Hilary

The Hots, Not Colds: Halie, Jazmine, Jeff




  1. So dinner is on sunday the 14th. but what time would you like us to be there? and where is your house exactly? :)

  2. Ok so I get the Drag Queen and Her Ladies, and The Hots Not Colds....but what is the Pinkie Plus two business haha

  3. amanda, I think because Emily likes pink :) BUT I LIKE PINK TOO!!! lol :)

  4. I love how Jared is "The Drag Queen"...

    So...what exactly is everybody bringing to Monica's house? I was kind of thinking that I would bring snicker salad. Is that ok with everyone?

  5. i'll bring some caesar salad... or what kind of salad dressing does everyone like?

  6. snicker salad sounds amazing!!! i was thinking about bringing pink cloud salad :D and josie caesar sounds amazing!!!!

  7. I like any kind of salad dressing so bring your fav =)

  8. Hello All,

    Anything you can bring to share will be very appreciated. If you cannot bring anything, no worries! I will provide the pasta. It will be meatless.

    The Dinner has been changed to Tuesday, 6:00 November 16th. I will give you my address in class. I do not want to post it publicly.
