The flash mob will be performed Week 11 on Friday in Storms's Den. What should we do? Ideas, thoughts, feelings, or opinions. I know that we all have different ideas to what will make this the best flash mob ever but lets stick with the idea that we want to educate and inspire.
Song Ideas? Hits from the past or present that would be everything we want and more? Please post your ideas here.
I know you will make this amazing. Making up our minds is the hard part. You are a group of very insightful and passionate people. What you do decide will be amazing. Please post your ideas here. Select two songs with the lyrics and video. I will go through your ideas and songs and make the final decision for the class to make it easier on everyone. In the meantime, I will continue to contact BOB for their song.
Rock on and Rock hard!
I think that the ideas that we've had so far are awesome. I especially like the idea of having the song "See What I'm Saying" as our opener and then going into BN's "It's Just a Deaf Thing" we can work to figure out when one song turns into the next song.
ReplyDeleteI also think it would be cool to add a little blurp of "Don't Stop Believing" at the very end. So that it would be a few min of the first song, a few min of the second song, and then end with a min or two of "Don't Stop Believing" I feel as though it would be a powerful ending to our entire performance because the song has a strong meaning and can be applied to our goal of spreading our education of Deaf Culture to the hearing community. I just have this picture in my mind of how cool it would be to end with that song.
If anyone would have another idea for an "ending song" I'd love to hear it. If you could think of another powerfu and meaningful song! It was just an idea...if people hate it then we don't have to do it! Let me know what you think!!
Rock on ASL brothers and sisters :)
I personally love the idea of starting with the song "See What I'm Saying" I like it because it has a good message and it's slower which makes it easier for all of us to sign. I thought it would be cool in that parts of that song (See What I'm Saying) where there are no lyrics we could sign BN's lyrics. Like...it's just a deaf thing. blah blah..
ReplyDeleteI also like Jordann's idea of incorporating another song to the ending. I think if we did this it could make our performance even more powerful. Something that really people can really grasp, understand and relate to.
Can't wait to get this going!! See you all in class :)
I also would agree with Jordann. I really do like the song "See what I am saying" we want people to put themselves into the shoes of a deaf person and see what their life is like and to adjust and make accommodations for all to make life easier for all. The lyrics and video really just make me think when I seen the video in class.
ReplyDeleteI really think this will be fun to do!!
I really like what we have come up with so far. I agree with you jordann. I think we should start out with the song "see what i'm saying" and then possibly mix in some other songs.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of adding the song "It's just a Deaf thing" and "Don't stop believing". I think we can take parts of both of those songs for our flash mob.
What do you guys think about adding a small section of the song "waiting on the world to change" in the middle or end of the song? I think that would be another powerful song that we could add in even if we just use the chorus of that song i think it would be powerful.
I can't wait to start this :)
Hello All,
ReplyDeleteI am happy to see that some of you responded. I think we will do See What I am Saying, Waiting for the World to Change and Don't Stop Believing. We can edit them. So it can be like 5 minutes or so total.
I agree with what Jordann said too! But, I think we should maybe start with "Don't Stop Believing" because everyone knows that song so it'll grab their attention right away!