Monday, October 11, 2010

Blog #6: Deaf Culture vs. American Culture

Please watch this clip.

What are your thoughts and feelings in regards to this? How can Deaf people embrace their culture and the American Culture without conflicting the other?


  1. Help me please!! Have watched this video several times now and I am still having a hard time understanding what she is signing. I looked at the postings below the video to see if that would help, it wasn't very helpful. What I got out of it is that this woman had an internal conflict about living in the American vs Deaf culture. Not sure if that is right or not.

  2. I agree with Amanda, I also watched this several times and had a hard time understanding all of what she is saying. From what I understand, she was talking about the struggles between Deaf and American Cultures and how she thinks and wishes that they would work together better and that there wouldn't be such conflict and separation. If that is the message she was trying to get across, I strongly agree. We as Americans need to be more understanding and accepting of all cultures, especially the Deaf culture since they are still a huge part of our American Culture.

  3. Oh my gosh, thank you amanda, i thought i was the only one who was struggling with this. I watched this several times early this morning, but was having a really hard time understanding what she was trying to say. I was waiting to see what others posted so that i could get a hint ha...

    I also understood that she was having an internal conflict and that there where two opposing sides, but other than that i got nothing. lol

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one either! Usually there is half the class that has posted by the time I have so I was like what the heck. Maybe thats how everyone it feeling. I agree with hlatoure (sorry I'm not sure who this it...who are you lol?) If she was talking about wanting Deaf and American cultures working together I strongly agree. I think if the American Culture can accept the Deaf CUlture we could benefit greatly. The Deaf community has such a strong bond and works together I feel very well. Also ASL is becoming one of the most common languages in America just like Spanish, if we don't learn to accept and work with the Deaf culture, we are only hurting ourselves.

  5. Well...I don't really know how American culture can be accepting of the Deaf culture. There are just too many people that believe deaf people are not capable of being the "same." It's almost like racism of african americans and caucasian decent, however african americans were limited which created an uproar for rights. In today's society deaf people are not limited like african americans were since they have rights, unlike african americans did. Their experiences are hidden and how to live with no conflicts between american culture and Deaf culture I am not sure because they are too many people that are not going to be willing to accept deaf people as a part of "their" culture and too many deaf people unwilling to accept "hearing" culture as the "same" vice versa... I think thats the only way is to be more accepting on both sides, unless someone else can think of something else? I mean people are people and aren't we supposed to be accepting of everyone?

    Oh and I think you guys are right about what she is signing, it is really hard to understand, maybe it's because it's fast? Also, there were many signs I haven't seen before so I think that is why it's harder to understand. IDK... what you think?

  6. i have no idea what they are saying after the first 30s. We need to get this translated so we can understand this better. i watched it like 5 times and im still totally lost. Somebody HELP!!!!!

  7. I'm so sorry I miss the first posting. I sat down and watched the video and I *could not* understand it!! I didn't have time to sit and watch it a million more times.

    Any way, without watching the video, I know that it can't be easy live both in the Deaf culture and the American culture. I, personally, am not deaf; so I can't really say how it feels. I can imagine though. Simply by looking around me and looking at other people who live in two cultures I can take a guess. It can not be something that is fun.

  8. Sorry for the late posting.

    This video was hard to understand due to signs that are new to me. But I got that she is struggling with her two cultures colliding. She thinks that both cultures are wonderful and have their own rules and things but when they come together there is a major conflict. I understand that it is hard living in two worlds. It would be like living two different lives within the same time. But since I'm not deaf I can't really say what it feels like since I haven't lived it. I just wish I could have understood what she was really saying because it would have made it much easier to understand her.

  9. You are on the right track! We will watch this in class on Friday. I am pleased with your efforts!


  10. Jeff-
    I like the connection you made between caucasians and African Americans. It makes sense to think about it in that way. I think that the main reason the American culture doesn't want to accept the Deaf culture is because we are afraid of change. Along with this, maybe the American culture is scared for more and more deaf people coming into mainstream work places because this would force us to communicate in a different way. Just a thought. I really hope that the American Culture will come to accept the Deaf Culture because we can learn so much.

  11. Amanda,

    I like your response back to Jeff. I also hope that one soon everyone will be treated the same. Jeff also made a good point when comparing different things with the same meaning. I hope friday working it out in class will help us all understand what she is trying to say.

  12. yes i think we need to watch this video on friday like monica said so we can get the full understand and then we will be able to comment on this blog
